Online Prophetic Training – Coming NEXT !!
Online Prophetic Training – Coming up NEXT !!
We are very excited to let you know we have thus far done 4 online Training sessions already, and all 4 sessions was very successful…!!!
BUT: We have also noticed that running these sessions online on a Monday evening, is a bit heavy for everyone, as it is part of a work week, and is thus becoming difficult for everyone to attend it every time…
THUS: We have decided to rather now go over into a PAID TRAINING Option, which we will announce soon – running every 2nd Saturday…where everyone will be more focused and committed to receive everything God has for them…etc.
THUS: if you want to be part of these PAID Training sessions, please let us know – by completing the Form below, and we will keep you informed of the dates, and prices, and what will be involved etc.
In the mean while, you are more than welcome to watch the 4 Training sessions either on our YouTube channel or on our Face Book Page…
And please feel free to let us know what you think.
We will follow the same approach with the Paid training sessions as we did with these 4 free training sessions, and we will continue where we left off with the 4 training sessions..
Meaning you won’t have to pay to do these 4 training sessions again… instead we will just be continuing with how to interpret Dreams and Visions, as well as the 5-Fold Ministry, and then we will go deeper into the all the Prophetic Protocols, Prophetic Worship, Spiritual Warfare, Prophetic Giving, the Anointing, how to DELIVER a Prophetic Word,…etc…
To get an idea of what we will cover, you are welcome to also visit our Teachings page for all our past training notes…
Thus, there is still a lot to be covered in the Prophetic Ministry…
We will break it up in smaller modules, and you can just register for the modules you want to attend…ad thus you don’t have to go through everything you already know, just to get to what you want to know more about..
AND: as part of these Prophetic Training, we will look at creating also Prophetic Ministry opportunities, where you can come and apply your newly trained skills, with our help and support, until you’re ready to step out in the World of Ministry, more prepared for flowing in your gift, knowing you won’t cause harm, but instead will build and encourage others..!!
THUS: Please don’t hesitate to connect with us TODAY..!!!
Complete your info below, and we will be in contact with you soon !!!
‘Till we go online again…
Please Stay Safe & Be Blessed