Prophetic Revivalist Deon Hammer
and my Wife Pastor Susan
We (myself Deon together with my wife Susan), are the Founders of “Cry of an Eagle Revival Ministries” – [Born out of a Calling from God] and we are based in “Centurion” (South – Africa).
God has raised us up as a Prophetic and Teaching Ministry and our aim is to “Encourage” (1 Corinthians 14) the Body of Christ and to Teach every believer the Word of God, as we were called to bring a “Godly Impact” to the World through a Prophetic Message for every Nation fueled by God’s Revival Fire.
My (Deon) calling that I received from God is to be a Prophet and Revivalist unto the Nations (Jer 1:4-5, 1Sam 3:19-20) and my Wife (Susan) as a Prophetic Teacher of the Word of God (Deut 32:2, Mat 13:52).
We are passionate about God, His Word and His Kingdom, and are totally dependent on the Holy Spirit to Lead and Guide us to Preach the Word of God and to Minister His Power and Fire unto the Body of Christ. (Matt 3:11), (Ps 145:4-6, 11-13).
Our Vision is to have a World Wide Impact through our Prophetic and Teaching Ministry on The New Prophetic Generation (The “Joshua Generation”) that God is already raising up…
Ps 145 :4-6, 11-13
Our Mission is to Hold Prophetic Meetings all over the World to Teach people how to Hear the “Voice of God” through the Prophetic.
(Joel 2:28-29).
We also intend to travel all over the world to bring a “Fresh Revelation” of the Love of God through our Lord’s Grace. (Mark 16:15)
When and How We Started
Everything started for us at the EKSDERDE Men and Women Camps which we attended regularly since 2004 (Susan attended her first Woman’s camp in September 2003)…
During these camps we each realized on our own, that we were called by God for His Kingdom…
And this calling started to take form in the Prophetic Ministry over the years (2004 – 2011), as we grew more and more in the Knowledge and Strength of the Holy Spirit’s Presence in our hearts.
After we got married in August 2007, we seriously started working towards growing in the Prophetic Ministry and really took time and effort to seek God’s plans and purposes for us as a couple and where He wants us to minister His Love and His Word to people…
Between 2008 and 2009, we felt led that we should move to Centurion, as we just knew that God had a plan for us here. Then in 2010 we did the Prophetic School Training at Lewende Woord (Brumeria), during which our calling for the prophetic grew in strength and we received various Prophetic Words as Confirmation that we are on the right path of God’s plan for us. During this time, we also learned how to minister in Prophetic Groups which gave us our confidence, and the courage to speak out what God is giving and showing us…
And thus in September 2011 we registered our Ministry called “Cry of an Eagle Ministries”. (we renamed our ministry to “Cry of an Eagle Revival Ministries” in 2018) After Registering the Ministry, we started with our First Meeting in our own Living Room with 7 people in February 2012, teaching about the Basics of the Prophetic and prophesying over each person that attended.
We then advertised for March 2012 in the Record newspaper, and received so much interest, that we had to look for a bigger venue. We found an opening at Cornish Kettle Tea Garden in Irene, under one of their tents, and had our 2nd meeting that Saturday afternoon.
From there, we had regular meetings 1 Saturday a month at the Cornish Kettle, and in August 2012 we even had a 1 Day Conference, where 7 of us came together as friends, and each ministered a message that was on their hearts. That day about 50 people attended in total, which was a great success..!!
In 2013 we started having Sunday Services from January till April… It wasn’t such a great success as our Prophetic Meetings (our meetings were not very well attended), But God didn’t disappoint us 1 day, and we have learned a lot from this experience..
In May 2013 we relocated to the Lyttelton Library Hall. We still held 1 Prophetic School Meeting a month from May to October (which included 2 Healing School Meetings as well), although we had to stop with our Sunday Services unfortunately…
Then in January 2014, Ps. Peet van der Westhuizen from House of My Glory Ministries, approached us, and said we can make use of their facilities for our Monthly Prophetic Meetings from January 2014 till mid 2016…
In October 2016 we moved again to Norfolk Pine Guest House, from where we continued our monthly meetings and where we are at present… And each meeting we held over the years has all been a great success. We never had to cancel 1 meeting due to a lack of interest. God always touched every one that attended, and we all went home more blessed than ever before…
On the 12th of March 2016 we (together with Prophet Kobus Jooste) held an outreach to a small congregation in Siyabuswa (near Marble Hall), and what a success that meeting was. Pastor Abraham asked us to please keep coming back, and we started having regular meetings over the years, including 2 Special Christmas Meetings
Then in August 2017 we also registered a Book Shop under the “Cry of an Eagle” name. Refer to our shop page for all the exiting news and products for sale…
During these last 7 years, we have also built up good relationships with various people, and we’ve seen lives change – from people growing into their own ministries, to people getting new jobs and answers to prayer, and many received various healing miracles in their bodies…
We are greatly thankful towards God that He has called us, and we will not stop, no matter the difficulties we sometimes have to face. We are positive that our Father God will bring us through every situation, as this is His Ministry FIRST, and we give Jesus all the Glory !!
Refer to our Photo Gallery Page for lots of photos over the past 7 years of our ministry…
And by God’s Grace, we are looking forward to what is coming next….
***** AMEN *****